Biographical Database of Australia


Index of British Regiments, Corps & Detachments in Australia

The Marines 1787-1791view*
New South Wales Corps & 102nd Regiment of Foot1789-1810view
NSW Corps – Casualty List1799-1810view
Royal Veteran Regiment of NSW 1810-1823view
73rd Regiment of Foot (1st Battalion)1809-1815view
46th Regiment of Foot (South Devonshire) 1814-1818view
48th Regiment of Foot (Northamptonshire) 1817-1824view
3rd Regiment of Foot (Buffs)1822-1827view
40th Regiment of Foot (2nd Somersetshire) (1st Tour)1824-1829view
Royal Marines (Detachment at Melville Island, NT)1824-1829*
39th Regiment of Foot (Dorsetshire)1825-1832view
Royal Staff Corps1826-1829view
Corps of Royal Engineers 1826-1870*
57th Regiment of Foot (West Middlesex)1826-1831view
Royal New South Wales Veteran Companies1826-1832view
63rd Regiment of Foot (West Suffolk)1830-1833view
17th Regiment of Foot (Leicestershire)1830-1837view
4th Regiment of Foot (King’s Own)1831-1837view
21st Regiment of Foot (Royal North British Fusiliers)1833-1840view
50th Regiment (Queen’s Own)1833-1841view
28th Regiment of Foot (North Gloucestershire)1835-1842view
Royal Corps of Sappers & Miners1835-1857*
Royal Engineers1835-1870*
80th Regiment of Foot (Staffordshire Volunteers) 1836-1844view
Royal Marines (Detachment at Port Essington, NT1837-1854*
51st Light Infantry Regiment (Kings Own Yorkshire) 1838-1846*
96th Regiment of Foot 1841-1849*
99th Regiment of Foot (Lanarkshire Volunteers) 1843-1856*
Royal Regiment of Artillery 1843-1870*
58th Regiment of Foot (Rutlandshire) 1844-1846*
11th Regiment of Foot (North Devonshire)1845-1857*
65th Regiment of Foot (2nd Yorkshire, North Riding)1846-1849*
40th Regiment of Foot (2nd Somersetshire) (2nd tour)1852-1860*
12th Regiment of Foot (East Suffolk)1854-1866*
77th Regiment of Foot (East Middlesex) 1857-1858*
Royal Artillery (No.3 Company, 7th Battalion) 1858-1870*
Royal Marines (Detachment at Cape York, QLD)1862-1870*
50th Regiment of Foot (Queen’s Own, West Kent) (2nd tour)1866-1869*
14th Regiment of Foot (2nd Battalion Buckinghamshire)1867-1870*
18th Regiment of Foot (2nd Battalion Royal Irish) 1870-1870*
86th Regiment (Royal County Down)*


 * these items are not included in database as yet


Four companies of Marines landed with the First Fleet in 1788 and 25 regiments of British infantry served in the colonies between 1790 and 1870. Companies and detachments of many other regiments were stationed in Australia while in transit for India or New Zealand; a detachment of men from the 86th (Royal County Down) Regiment were temporarily posted at Sydney for almost a year before rejoining their headquarters in India.

Other small units of engineers and artillery also arrived.


Further reading:


First Fleet Marines 1786-1792 by John Moore. Pub. 1987 by Queensland University Press, St Lucia QLD.


A Colonial Regiment: New Sources relating to the New South Wales Corps 1789-1810 by Pamela Statham. Pub. 1992 by Central Printery, ANU, Canberra ACT.


The Colonial Garrison 1817-1824: The 48th Foot, The Northamptonshire Regiment in the Colony of New South Wales by Clem Sargent. Pub. 1996 by TCS Publications, Mawson ACT.


The Remote Garrison: The British Army in Australia by Peter Stanley. Pub. 1986 by Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst NSW.


The Royal Australian Engineers 1835 to 1902 The Colonial Engineers by Ronald McNicoll. Pub.1977 by The Corps Committee of The Royal Australian Engineers, Canberra ACT.


Military Forces in New South Wales, an Introduction: Part 1 1788-1904, by Ralph Sutton, Ken Thompson & Bill Storer. 3rd edition Pub. 2000 by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation, Paddington NSW.


In Search of the “Forlorn Hope” A Comprehensive Guide to Locating British Regiments and Their Records (1640-WWI) Microfiche Section by John M. Kitzmiller, II. Pub. 1988 by Manuscript Publishing Foundation, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.


Dress & Insignia of the British Army in Australia & New Zealand 1770-1870 by Ronald H. Montague. Pub. 1981 by Library of Australian History, Sydney NSW.


Manuscripts in the British Isles relating to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, Editor Phyllis Mander-Jones, pub. 1972 by Australian National University Press, Canberra ACT. [This volume lists many sources of regimental records under War Office from page 301.]



This General Information Page has been compiled by Malcolm Sainty, May 2013.


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