Biographical Database of Australia



Arrivals & Departures NSW 1788-1825

Assisted Immigrants to NSW 1839-1896, to Moreton Bay 1848-1859, to Port Phillip 1839-1851

Bounty Immigrants to Sydney & Port Phillip 1838-1842

Free Passengers to NSW 1826-1837

Passengers on Government Ships to Sydney 1838-1840

Passengers Sydney to California 1849-1851

Ship Musters of Passengers departing Sydney 1816-1825

Ship Deserters NSW 1852-1867

Unassisted Passengers into Sydney 1842-1857

Unassisted Passengers to Sydney 1838-1841 and select lists of passengers arriving Sydney and Port Dalrymple 1795-1813



This covers ship passengers of all types, Assisted; Fare Paying; Crew; Officials but generally not Convicts who are documented under Convict Indents, nor Military who are documented under Military. However both these later categories of people arriving in Australia may be included in the Datasets discussed.

The above datasets have been added to the Biographical Database of Australia (BDA).



This general information page has been compiled by Malcolm Sainty, May 2013.

The text on this page is copyright. Permission to reproduce it should be obtained from BDA.